Corals need you!

Corals need you!

Join us. Every action counts, whether it’s through donations, volunteering, or sharing our mission.

Learn how you can get involved. Thank you for being part of the solution!

  • Donations

Our goal for 2024 is to raise $45,000.

Take action now!

    • Here I would put Goals $45,000 with the progress bar. 0% 0%
    • Donate through Amigos de Costa Rica

    Amigos de Costa Rica is a non-profit organization that supports sustainable development in Costa Rica.

    Donations are tax-deductible (in both the United States and Costa Rica).

    • Donation through Amazon

    Research and immersions in the water require specialized equipment, we receive donations of diving and photographic equipment or shipments through Amazon to continue our mission.

    • Donation through Classy – Campaign
    • Donation through bank account

    How will financial donations

    be distributed next year?

    Administration $16,000

    Ecological monitoring $10,000

    Cleaning $1,800

    La Casa Del Coral Goal: $8,600

    Awareness Goal: $4000

    Reforestation goal $3,100

    Communication $1,500

    • Join Our Volunteer Team

    The survival of coral reefs is at stake in the face of climate change. We need every hand on deck to protect these vital ecosystems. Join the Coral Conservation team and make a difference!

    Fill out this form to express your interest in volunteering: 

    We’ll be in touch to discuss how you can contribute to our mission.

    Together, we can save our coral reefs!